Thursday, July 25, 2013

Oh how I love my 18 month old!

Still laughing...she was in no mood to sit still and give me a smile! I did get a few cute smiles, but mostly she is making a face, turning around, getting off the chair or pulling her dress up over her head! My Sophia is so full of life and I love her soooo much!

Protesting much?!

See?! She can look cute!
I totally new it!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Love... In The Form Of Laundry

Little girl dresses, man jeans, scratchy towels and bed sheets...
Flapping in the wind and smelling of sun-kissed lavender!
I love just about every house hold chore, but laundry is my favorite! I believe every chore we do is a token of LOVE towards our family! Jesus said," In whatsoever you do,do it as unto me!" Col.3:23
Sophia loves to help hang it and then run though it giggling! Oh how that laugh is contagious!
Makes me run and get the camera and capture the moments for tommorrow my daughter will be hanging laundry for her own family!

I learn alot from my eldest...
pure joy, for every moment, is the one she is always teaching me!

How I do my laundry day...
1. Sort laundry the night before, that way as soon as I get up I can get it going.
2. Put a load in the washer and add a scoop Charlie's soap and 3 drops of lavender essential oil. ( I use Charlie's because I have found it to be best for my cloth diapers. I was having a problem with them smelling like wet dog. So I washed my washer out with viniger, stripped my diapers 3 times and now use a detergent that does not leave a film in my washer. I also use oregano oil instead of lavender. Its a germ killer. Before I used Charlie's soap, I made my own and used that for the clothes and Tiny Bubbles for the diapers. But my homemade is what was leaving the film. So now I use just one kind and its not to expensive, especilly when I am saving my cloth diapers in the long run!
Fabic Softner is hard on your clothes and another expense to your grocery bill. I used viniger, it works but I didn't like to bury my face in the laundry, using the lavender oil, I want too:) And lavender is a relaxing oil.
3. I either hang my laundry on the line or on a clothes drying rack. Depends on the weather or if I can get outside to hang it up! I try not to use the dryer to often. But some days it just needs to be used! Its one of those days I am tired and the girls are needing me every other second and its the fastest way to get the job done! I do put the towels in the dryer after they come off the line, my family likes fluffy towels!
Happy laundring! I am off to wipe tears and hold my babes!
So no time to spell check:(

Sink Campout 2013

For our family who was missing... We missed YOU!
Here are some snapshots of the weekend, hope you enjoy:)
He has made all things beautiful!
Brent's art work


Playing Human Dutch Blitz





Snoozing again!

Grandma and Grandpa Sink













We ended our lovely weekend by visiting our new baby cousin.
Sawyer Eugene Kuntz
Thank you Lord for blessing his family with another blessing and gift from above!

Sawyer and Zoe
are only 6 weeks and 2 days apart!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Some snippets from our week...

Finding joy in our everyday life...
If you have not read the book, I highly recommend it! I only get to read a paragraph, a page at the most at one time, but its so inspiring!! Ann Voskamp, wrote "One Thousand Gifts". I promise it will bless your soul and change your life!
Being thankful...
For the Fourth of July...
Our freedom in this country to worship Jesus Christ!
Also Zoe's turned 5 wks. old and we had our 5th anniversary!
So we thank the Lord for our marriage and the blessing of being married to my best friend!
Sophia enjoyed the socializing and food! A daughter after my very own heart!
Thank you Lord for her part in our family! She is a blessing straight from heaven!

Thankful for our feathered friends who enjoy their meals right outside the living room window!

Thankful for baby grins and coos, that melt a Mama's heart!

Look at those beautiful eyes!
Loving the fact that she is becoming more and more alert to whats happening around her,
but sorta sad my newborn is gone:(

Thankful for big Sis love! Another moment that melts Mama's heart is when Sophia pulls up her little purple stool and has a talking session with Zoe and Zoe just coos and smiles at her in adoration!

Sorry about the kink in your neck... not sure how to flip it!

Thankful for family favorite recipes...
Thought I would share our yummys with you!
( I do not add all the sugar that it calls for, but its your cobbler, your choice:)

I love to come up with a new mixture of fruit to try!
Thankful for a giving-very kind hearted-Mother-in-law,
she shared some of her fresh out of the garden raspberries with us, and then I added some blueberries.

Its just when you make your cobbler, don't forget the baking powder!
You should see more cake then this, ours is all on the bottom. Thankful it was still good!
I considered not posting this, but you know I shouldn't post all the good looking perfect pictures, cause that's not our life at all! The real me, is forgetting to put something in a recipe!

As you can see, it was still yummy!
Hope you all have a good week and see how many things you can find to be thankful for, and remember to thank Him for he is worthy of our thankfulness!