Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it! Prov. 22:6, And ye Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Eph. 6:4
Our training has begun in full swing now! We have a crawler! It is such a joy to watch her grow and develop her very own God given personality! She makes us laugh daily at all her expressions! She is learning that some cupboards are ok and some are not. That's its ok to pull her books off the shelf but not mama's. And pulling all the toilet paper off a brand new roll is not cool either! Oh, but hugging and kissing daddy when he comes home from work and cuddling with mama in the morning is totally ok and welcomed with loving hearts! We love you Sophia, and thank Jesus that he choose to spare your little life, may we receive the wisdom it takes to raise you for His kingdom!

Ps. I think I forgot to announce on my blog that Lord willing next May we will welcome baby number two! I am starting to feel better (not spending the day on the couch)! So praise be to God!
Yesterday my sister, Sophia and I went to hear the heartbeat, which I LOVE and look forward to every month! Well we heard it a tiny bit! It was so active that we couldn't hear it very long! It made me laugh with joy that we have a healthy baby and can't wait to feel it move!